AB Bazzano Fuels, Inc. | PO Box 583 | Norfolk | CT | 06058 | (860) 542-5694 | (860) 542-1955 | |
ABC Fuel Oil LLC | 172 Candlewood Lake Rd. | Brookfield | CT | 06804 | (203) 775-0221 | (203) 775-1003 | http://www.heatingoilridgefield.com/ |
Advantage Fuel, LLC | PO Box 8222 | Manchester | CT | 06042 | 860-895-9999 | 860-643-1768 | |
American Fuel Oil Co. | 1747 Boston Turnpike | Coventry | CT | 06238 | (860) 742-1297 | 860-742-4420 | |
Amodio & Sons Inc. | 1000 Boston Post Rd. | West Haven | CT | 06516 | (203) 934-2651 | (203) 931-4568 | http://www.amodiofuel.com/ |
Andersen Oil Co. | 4 Colby Dr. | Ledyard | CT | 06339 | (860) 464-7628 | (860) 464-9942 | www.andersonoilcompany.com |
Andy's Oil Service, Inc. | 329 Walnut St. | Waterbury | CT | 06704 | (203) 756-8969 | 203-573-0582 | http://www.andysoil.com/ |
Apple Oil Company | 325 Morgan Ln. | West Haven | CT | 06516 | (203) 934-3835 | (203) 931-0841 | www.appleoil.com |
Arbor Energy, LLC | 280 School House Rd. | Cheshire | CT | 06410 | (203) 272-3250 | (203) 272-0393 | www.arboroil.com |
Arctic Oil of Southington, Inc. | PO Box 137, 431 N. Main St. | Southington | CT | 06489 | (860) 621-9996 | 860-621-4576 | http://www.arcticoilsouthington.com/ |
Arrow Fuel | PO Box 2142 | Milford | CT | 06460 | 203-378-9001 | | |
Arrow Gas | PO Box 1168 | Waterbury | CT | 06721-1168 | (203) 573-9808 | (203) 573-9773 | www.arrowgasco.com |
Bantam Home & Energy | PO Box 637, 99 Bantam Lake Rd | Bantam | CT | 06750 | (860) 567-9431 | (860) 567-2006 | www.bantamfuel.com |
Baribault Oil Co., Inc. | PO Box 27, 600 Main St. | Oakville | CT | 06779-0027 | (860) 274-3284 | (860) 274-8808 | www.baribaultoil.com |
Barrett Family Oil Co., LLC | 336 North Main St. | Thomaston | CT | 06787-1655 | 860-283-3011 | | |
Barrieau Oil Company | 94 Reed Ave. | W Hartford | CT | 06110 | (860) 953-6111 | (860) 953-1607 | http://www.barrieauoil.com/ |
Bay State Fuel Oil | 20 Roanoke Ave | West Springfield | MA | 01089 | 413-733-5088 | 413-731-6751 | http://www.baystatefueloil.com/ |
Beacon Mechanical Service | PO Box 868, 12 Mechanicsville Rd. | Granby | CT | 06035-0868 | (860) 844-0111 | (860) 653-4767 | www.beaconmechanical.com |
Bender's Oil Service Inc. | 266 Beaumont Highway | Lebanon | CT | 06249 | (860) 423-6859 | (860) 423-3788 | http://www.bendersoilservice.com/ |
Benvenuti Oil Co., Inc. | PO Box 299 | Waterford | CT | 06385 | (860) 443-6115 | (860) 442-4586 | www.benvenutioil.com |
Best Oil Co. | 237 Huntingdon Ave. | Waterbury | CT | 06708 | 203-574-4050 | 203-574-0099 | http://www.bestoilinc.com/ |
Bloomfield Fuel Oil Co., Inc. | 37 R Tunxis Ave. | Bloomfield | CT | 06002 | (860) 242-1644 | (860) 243-3737 | www.bloomfieldfueloil.com |
Bouchard Fuels, Inc. | 1210 Meriden Waterbury Turnpike | Plantsville | CT | 06479 | 860-621-7489 | 860-276-9845 | http://www.bouchardfuels.com/ |
Brainard's Fuel Oil LLC | 137 Oak Ave. | Shelton | CT | 06484 | 203-924-7800 | | www.brainardsinc.com |
Branchville Oil Company, Inc. | PO Box 401 | Georgetown | CT | 06829-0401 | 203-544-8460 | 203-544-0060 | |
Brodeur's Oil Service, Inc. | PO Box 602, 28 Sterling Rd. | Moosup | CT | 06354 | (860) 564-2789 | (860) 564-2780 | |
Brooklyn Oil & Bottled Gas | 314 Providence Rd. | Brooklyn | CT | 06234 | (860) 774-3709 | (860) 779-6041 | http://www.brooklynct.org/ |
Brothers Oil Co., Inc. | 486 School St. | East Hartford | CT | 06108 | 860-289-9468 | 860-289-0851 | www.brothersoil.com |
Buddy's Fuel, LLC | 8 Old Farm Rd. | Oxford | CT | 06478 | (203) 888-2319 | (203) 888-2189 | http://buddysfueloil.com/ |
Buzaid Mutual Fuel Corporation | 125 South St. | Danbury | CT | 06810 | 203-743-6321 | 203-748-6700 | http://www.buzaidappliance.com/ |
Bystrek Oil Co. | 53 Hubbard St. | Middlefield | CT | 06455 | (860) 346-1350 | | http://bystreksoil.com/ |
C. P. Burdick & Sons Inc. | PO Box 667 | Ivoryton | CT | 06442 | (860) 767-8402 | (860) 767-8403 | www.cpburdick.com |
Casey Energy | PO Box 2015 | Ridgefield | CT | 06877 | 203-438-6500 | (203) 431-8004 | www.casey-energy.com |
Champion Energy Corp./Hoffman Energy | c/o Lewis Energy 175 Sunnyside Blvd | Plainview | NY | 11803 | 516-307-4802 | | www.championenergy.com |
Charter Oak Oil Co., Inc. | PO Box 548, 600 Old County Circle | Windsor Locks | CT | 06096 | (860) 292-2650 | (860) 292-2690 | www.charteroakoil.com |
Chickos Energy Services | 230 B Rowe Ave. | Milford | CT | 06461 | 203-882-0177 | 203-693-3432 | www.chicksenergy.com |
City Oil Company, Inc. | 1 Hartford Square | New Britain | CT | 06052 | (860) 225-2575 | (860) 224-1724 | www.cityoil.net |
Clear River Fuel Oil | 366 Tolland St. | East Hartford | CT | 06108 | 860-289-8858 | 860-528-8592 | http://www.clearriverfueloil.com/ |
Clintonville Oil, LLC | 151 Mill Rd. | North Haven | CT | 06473 | (203) 234-1427 | | www.clintonvilleoil.com |
Cole Heating & Cooling, Inc. | 100 South Main St. | Seymour | CT | 06483 | 203-888-0376 | 203-888-9133 | www.coleheating.com |
Connecticut Oil, LLC | 15 Meriden Rd. | Middlefield | CT | 06455 | (860) 343-1087 | (860) 343-1080 | |
Continental Fuel Co. | 115 Front St. | Bridgeport | CT | 06606 | (203) 384-9097 | (203) 384-6176 | |
Cromwell Energy Inc. | 308 Main St. | Cromwell | CT | 06416-2303 | (860) 635-1234 | (860) 635-2006 | www.cromwellenergy.com |
Crown Energy Corp. dba Dutchess Oil & Propane | PO Box S,1 John St. | Millerton | NY | 12546 | 518-789-3014 | 518-789-3033 | www.dutchessoil.com |
Crown Oil Company, Inc. | PO Box 3258, 347 Riverside Ave. | Bristol | CT | 06011-3258 | (860) 583-9222 | (860) 589-4266 | www.crownoilinc.com |
CSB, Inc. | 75 Brownstone Ave. | Portland | CT | 06480 | (860) 347-7656 | (860) 342-5171 | http://csb-shefcyk.com/ |
Daniels Oil Co., Inc. | PO Box 32 | Portland | CT | 06480 | (860) 342-3778 | (860) 342-1377 | www.danielsenergy.com |
Darien Fuel Co., Inc. | PO Box 1254 | Darien | CT | 06820 | (203) 655-3045 | (203) 967-3335 | |
Davis Oil Co. | 40 Cedar St. | Derby | CT | 06418 | 203-734-6142 | 203-734-8924 | http://www.davisoilcompany.com/ |
Deitch Energy | 40 Woodland St., Rear | Hartford | CT | 06105 | 860-728-5431 | 860-528-4321 | |
DeLucia Fuel Oil | 112 Spring Rd. | North Haven | CT | 06473 | 203-239-6277 | 203-239-6277 | |
Dennis K. Burke, Inc. | PO Box 6069, 284 Eastern Ave. | Chelsea | MA | 02150 | (800) 289-2875, ext 121 | (617) 884-7638 | www.burkeoil.com |
Densmore Oil Company | 1 Water St. | Mystic | CT | 06355 | (860) 536-7927 | (860) 536-7627 | www.densmoreoil.com |
DePalma Oil Co. | 231 Daytona St. | West Haven | CT | 06516 | (203) 934-5025 | | |
Dependable Energy, Inc | PO Box 7187 | Prospect | CT | 06712 | (203) 758-5831 | (203) 758-6129 | www.dependableenergy.net |
Devine Brothers Inc. | 38 Commerce St. | Norwalk | CT | 06852 | (203) 866-4421 | (203) 857-4609 | http://www.devinebrothers.com/ |
Dime Oil Company | PO Box 11125, 93 Industry Ln. | Waterbury | CT | 06704 | (203) 754-5334 | 203-754-0790 | http://www.dimeoilco.com/ |
Dominick Fuel, Inc. | PO Box 549 | Norwalk | CT | 06856 | (203) 866-5836 | (203) 853-3555 | www.dominickfuel.com |
Dougherty Oil Company, Inc | 31 Acorn Rd. | Branford | CT | 06405 | (203) 488-2669 | (203) 488-2308 | http://www.doughertyoilbranfordct.com/call-fuel-distributor |
Dutch Oil Co., Inc. | PO Box 464, 35 W.F. Palmer Rd. | Moodus | CT | 06469 | (860) 873-3876 | (860) 873-3678 | www.dutchoil.com |
Dwyer Family Fuel | PO Box 462 | Old Saybrook | CT | 06475 | (860) 388-1867 | (860) 388-2006 | http://www.dwyerfamilyfuel.com/ |
E & L Heating | 10 Palmer Ln. | Oxford | CT | 06478 | (203) 735-5851 | (203) 734-1146 | http://www.eandlheating.com/ |
East River Energy | 401 Soundview Rd. | Guilford | CT | 06437 | (203) 453-1200 | (203) 453-3899 | www.eastriverenergy.com |
Eastern Fuel Corp. | 3552 Whitney Ave. | Hamden | CT | 06518 | 203-248-2111 | 203-248-6805 | www.easternfuel.com |
Ed's Garage, Inc. | PO Box 118 | Canterbury | CT | 06331 | 860-546-9492 | 860-546-2000 | www.edsgarageinc.com |
Energy Direct | 5 Brook Pasture Lane | Granby | CT | 06035 | | | http://www.yourenergydirect.com/ |
F. Perrelli & Sons Fuel, Inc. | PO Box 120648 | East Haven | CT | 06512 | (203) 469-1364 | (203) 467-5959 | http://www.perrellifuel.com/ |
F.F. Hitchcock Oil Company | 264 Sandbank Rd. | Cheshire | CT | 06410 | (203) 272-8484 | (203) 272-9241 | http://www.ffhitchcock.com/ |
F.H. Mott Fuel LLC | 405 Treadwell St. | Hamden | CT | 06514 | 203-288-5955 | 203-248-9805 | |
Falls Fuel LLC | 99 North Lake Shore Dr. | Brookfield | CT | 06804 | 203-744-3835 | 203-775-3460 | http://www.fallsfuel.com/ |
Festi's Oil Service, Inc. | PO Box 94 | Stafford Springs | CT | 06076-0094 | (860) 684-2565 | (860) 684-6590 | http://www.festisequipmentandoil.com/ |
Firehouse Discount Fuels LLC | 17 Depot Place | Unionville | CT | 06085 | 860-404-1827 | 860-404-7456 | http://www.firehousediscountfuel.com/ |
Gault Energy | PO Box 2030, 11 Ferry Ln. West | Westport | CT | 06880 | (203) 227-5181 | (203) 227-4527 | www.gaultenergy.com |
General Oil Company of Quaker Hill, Inc. | PO Box 465 | Quaker Hill | CT | 06375 | (860) 443-1306 | (860) 442-3240 | www.genoilcompany.com |
Ginger's Service Station | PO Box 1427 | Westerly | RI | 02891 | (401) 596-4221 | (401) 596-7510 | http://www.gingersoil.com/ |
Glastonbury Oil Co. | PO Box 272 | Glastonbury | CT | 06033 | (860) 633-1000 | (860) 659-9575 | |
Goshen Oil Co., Inc. | PO Box 215 | Goshen | CT | 06756-0215 | (860) 491-2373 | | http://www.goshenoil.com/ |
Gottier Fuel Co., Inc. | PO Box 1000 | Vernon | CT | 06066 | (860) 875-6281 | (860) 871-6637 | http://www.gottierfuel.com/ |
Groton Oil Co., Inc. | 53 Thames St. | Groton | CT | 06340-3650 | (860) 445-5336 | | |
Guardian Fuel & Energy Systems, Inc. | PO Box 2972, 79 Old Hopkinton Rd. | Westerly | RI | 02891 | (401) 596-6566 | (401) 596-0670 | www.guardianfuel.com |
Guy's Inc. | PO Box 81 | Niantic | CT | 06357 | (860) 739-8700 | (860) 739-6471 | www.guysoil.com |
Hale Hill Biofuels, Incl. | PO Box 957 | Branford | CT | 06405 | | | www.halehillbiofuels.com |
H.C. Rohde Oil Company | 380 Main St. | Wethersfield | CT | 06109 | 860-529-0967 | 860-721-0305 | http://www.rohdeoil.com/ |
Heritage Oil Company | 17 River Rd. | Willington | CT | 06279 | 860-429-0259 | 860-429-5962 | |
Hi Ho Petroleum | 39 Salt St. | Bridgeport | CT | 06605-2126 | 203-335-0101 | 203-366-3573 | www.hihopetroleum.com |
Hillcrest Fuel Inc. | 4 Addison St. | Ansonia | CT | 06401 | (203) 735-1847 | (203) 735-1848 | www.hillcrestfuel.com |
Homestead Plumbing Heating Cooling & Energy | 100 West Rd. Unit II | Ellington | CT | 06029 | (860) 870-8700 | (860) 870-7731 | www.homesteadfuel.com |
Hometown Heating, LLC dba Hometown T&S Energy | 549 Wolf Den Rd. | Brooklyn | CT | 06234 | 860-779-2222 | 860-774-1194 | www.hometownheatingllc.com |
HOP Energy, LLC | 4 West Red Oak Ln. Suite 310 | White Plains | NY | 10604 | 914-304-1300 | 914-644-7500 | www.hopeenergy.com |
Howell Fuel, Inc. | PO Box 1141 | Bridgeport | CT | 06601-1141 | (203) 259-3552 | (203) 259-8459 | www.howellfuel.com |
Imperial Oil Company, Inc | PO Box 875, 648 Sullivan Ave. | South Windsor | CT | 06074 | (860) 291-0115 | (860) 291-0313 | www.imperialoil.com |
Incredible Oil LLC | 5 Barker Dr. | Wallingford | CT | 06492 | 203-265-4328 | | http://www.incredibleoil.com/ |
Ireland Oil Company | 171 Union St. | Vernon | CT | 06066 | 860-875-1906 | 860-875-6362 | http://www.irelandoilco.com/ |
Ives Brothers Inc. | 1244 Rear Main St. | Willimantic | CT | 06226 | (860) 423-6381 | (860) 423-6383 | http://www.ivesbrosoil.com/ |
J & A Waterville Oil Service, Inc. | 943 New Haven Rd. | Naugatuck | CT | 06770 | (203) 729-5216 | (203) 720-4058 | http://www.jandaoil.com/ |
J & E Oil Co | PO Box 5547 | Hamden | CT | 06518 | (203) 248-2561 | (203) 230-8588 | http://www.jandeoilcohamdenct.com/ |
J J Vinci Oil Co. | 1004 Newfield St. | Middletown | CT | 06457 | (860) 632-2333 | | www.jjsullivaninc.com |
J. J. Sullivan, Inc. | PO Box 348 | Guilford | CT | 06437 | (203) 453-2781 | (203) 453-2719 | http://www.jjsullivaninc.com/ |
J. Thurston Fuel, LLC | 130 Washington Ave. | Waterbury | CT | 06708 | (203) 720-3028 | | http://www.jthurstonfuel.com/ |
James Heating Oil, Inc. | 326 Derby Ave. | Derby | CT | 06418 | (203) 736-2566 | (203) 732-4070 | www.jamesheatingoil.com |
Jennings Oil Company | 30 East Franklin St. | Danbury | CT | 06810-5804 | (203) 790-1406 | (203) 790-1944 | www.jenningsoil.com |
Jerry Fuel Inc. | 270 Woodin St. | Hamden | CT | 06514 | (203) 389-5038 | (203) 387-7470 | http://www.jerryfuel.com/ |
John S. McCarthy Oil Co. | PO Box 290226 | Wethersfield | CT | 06129-0226 | (860) 529-6128 | (860) 571-8659 | www.mccarthyoilco.com |
John Zanardi Oil Company, Inc. | PO Box 280 | Chester | CT | 06412 | (860) 526-2550 | (860) 526-9584 | |
Kerigan's Fuel, Inc. | 258 DeKalb Ave. | Bridgeport | CT | 06607 | 203-334-3646 | 203-334-6329 | www.kerigans.com |
Klebe Fuel Co., Inc. | PO Box 921 | Winsted | CT | 06098 | (860) 738-1114 | (860) 738-0567 | www.klebefuel.com |
Klingner Family Oil, LLC | PO Box 402 | Farmington | CT | 06034 | 860-677-8334 | 860-676-2003 | http://www.klingnerfamilyoil.com/ |
Krall Coal & Oil Company | PO Box 8116 | New Haven | CT | 06530 | (203) 466-1130 | (203) 466-4146 | www.kralloil.com |
L. F. Powers Company, Inc | PO Box 424 | Waterbury | CT | 06720 | (203) 753-5555 | (203) 596-7997 | http://www.lfpowers.com/ |
L. P. Topar Oil Company | 222 Kings Highway Cutoff | Fairfield | CT | 06824 | (203) 259-0949 | (203) 330-9760 | |
Leahy's Fuels, Inc. | PO Box 130, 130 White St. | Danbury | CT | 06813-0130 | (203) 748-3535 | 203-616-2118 | http://www.leahys.com/ |
LeClaire Fuel Oil | 750 Derby Ave. | Seymour | CT | 06483 | 203-735-1700 | 203-308-2024 | www.lehighfuelct.com |
LeMay Oil Co., Inc. | 285 Zion St. | Hartford | CT | 06106 | (860) 951-1866 | (860) 951-1866 | http://www.lemayoil.com/ |
Levco Energy, Inc. | PO Box 3640 | Stamford | CT | 06905 | 203-614-1485 | | www.levcooil.com |
Lindell Fuels, Inc. | PO Box 609 | Canaan | CT | 06018 | (860) 824-5444 | (860) 824-7829 | http://www.calindell.com/ |
Longobardi Fuel Oil Inc. | 206 Alden Ave. | New Haven | CT | 06515 | (203) 389-2056 | (203) 389-6912 | |
Madison Oil Co., Inc. | 30 Scotland Ave. | Madison | CT | 06443 | (203) 245-2239 | (203) 318-0662 | www.madisonoilcompany.com |
Marandola Fuel Service | 91 Kent Rd. | New Milford | CT | 06676 | (860) 355-4877 | (860) 355-2477 | www.marandolafuel.com |
Markay Oil Company | 14 Whalley St. | Meriden | CT | 06450 | (203) 235-2853 | 203-237-6171 | |
Massey Gas and Diesel | 40 Hollister Ave. | Bridgeport | CT | 06607 | (203) 366-6641 | (203) 335-3595 | http://www.heatingoilllc.com/ |
Maus and Son Inc. | PO Box 367, 628 Town St. | Moodus | CT | 06469 | (860) 873-8454 | (860) 873-2584 | http://www.mausandson.com/ |
McCarthy Heating Oil Service, Inc. | PO BOX 332, 50 Route 32 | Quaker Hill | CT | 06375 | (860) 443-2839 | (860) 443-0140 | http://www.mccarthyheatingoil.com/ |
McGoldrick Fuel, Inc. | 234 Linwood Ave. | Fairfield | CT | 06824 | (203) 255-0189 | (203) 255-1086 | www.mcgoldrickfuel.com |
McKinley Oil LLC | 1403 Marion Rd. | Cheshire | CT | 06410 | (203) 272-7102 | (203) 668-0805 | www.mckinleyoil.com |
Mercury Fuel Service, Inc | 43 Lafayette St. | Waterbury | CT | 06708 | (203) 756-7284 | (203) 755-2502 | http://www.mymercuryenergy.com/ |
Miller Fuel | PO Box 1506 | Burlington | CT | 06013 | 860-675-6121 | | www.millerfuel.com |
Miller Oil Co. | 447 Enfield St. | Enfield | CT | 06082 | (860) 745-0326 | (860) 745-5233 | www.milleroilcompany.com |
Minuteman Oil Co., Inc. | PO Box 330264 | W Hartford | CT | 06133-0264 | (860) 677-2538 | (860) 677-2508 | |
Mitchell Fuel Co., Inc. | PO Box 1163 | South Windsor | CT | 06074 | (860) 644-2561 | (860) 644-4683 | www.mitchellfuel.com |
Mohegan Oil | 21 Jackson Ave. | Mystic | CT | 06355-0116 | 860-536-4294 | 860-536-4297 | www.moheganoil.com |
Montanari Fuel Service Inc. | PO Box 13, 15 South St. | Ridgefield | CT | 06877 | (203) 438-2688 | (203) 438-3869 | http://www.montanarifuel.com/ |
Moroni & Son Oil LLC | 447 Spencer Plains Rd. | Westbrook | CT | 06498-3510 | 860-388-2298 | 860-388-5557 | www.moronioil.com |
Mull Brothers, Inc. | PO Box 222, 61 Beaver Rd. | Wethersfield | CT | 06129-0222 | (860) 529-8255 | (860) 529-3996 | www.mullbros.com |
Mystic Fuel, LLC | 208 W. Main Street | Norwich | CT | 06360 | 860-204-0400 | 860-572-4993 | http://www.mysticfuel.com/ |
New England Oil Co., Inc. | 469 West Putnam Ave. | Greenwich | CT | 06830 | 203-869-5869 | (203) 869-5750 | www.newenglandoil.com |
Newgate Oil Company | 38 Jansen Court | West Hartford | CT | 06110 | (860) 953-9999 | (860) 953-9998 | http://www.newgateoil.com/ |
Nikko Discount Fuel | 15 Sumola Rd. | Sterling | CT | 06377 | 860-564-0433 | | |
Noonan Energy Corp. | PO Box 2858 | Springfield | MA | 01101 | (413) 734-7396 | (413) 731-0727 | http://www.noonanenergy.com/ |
Norbert E. Mitchell Co., Inc. | PO Box 186 | Danbury | CT | 06813 | (203) 744-0600 | (203) 743-7978 | www.nemitchell.com |
Norige Oil Co., Inc. | 970 Tolland St. | East Hartford | CT | 06108 | (860) 568-5180 | (860) 290-9171 | |
Northfield Energy, LLC | 30 Myano Lane | Stamford | CT | 06902-4532 | (203) 629-3835 | (203) 629-0653 | www.northfieldfuel.com |
Olsen Oil LLC | 84 Dundee Dr. | Cheshire | CT | 06410 | 203-272-2699 | 203-699-9675 | www.olsenoil.net |
Olympic Fuel Oil | 855 East Main St. | Stamford | CT | 06902 | 203-353-0009 | 203-324-9932 | http://www.olympicoil.com/ |
Oxford Oil Company | 53 Oxford Rd. | Oxford | CT | 06478 | (203) 888-6750 | 203-888-0362 | http://www.oxford-ct.gov/ |
Oyster River Energy | PO Box 16066, 196 Frontage Rd. | West Haven | CT | 06516 | 203-932-2717 | 203-932-1446 | www.oysterriverpetroleum.com |
Patterson Oil Company | PO Box 898, 100 Lincoln Ave. | Torrington | CT | 06790 | (860) 489-9271 | (860) 489-9914 | http://www.pattersonoilco.com/ |
Paul Burdick Oil Co. LLC | PO Box 613, 950 Middlesex Tpke | Old Saybrook | CT | 06475 | 860-388-1130 | 860-388-1137 | http://www.paulburdickoil.com/ |
Payless Oil, LLC | 14A James St. | North Haven | CT | 06473 | 203-239-4144 | 203-495-1193 | www.pay-lessoil.com |
Pennywise Oil Co., Inc. | PO Box 357 | Westbrook | CT | 06498 | 860-399-8244 | 860-399-9202 | www.pennywiseoil.com |
Personal Energy Company LLC | 65 Woodland St. | New Britain | CT | 06051 | 860-223-5833 | 860-826-2745 | http://www.personalenergycompany.com/ |
Peterson Oil Company | 276 Main St., PO Box 31 | Portland | CT | 06480 | (860) 342-3560 | (860) 342-2543 | www.petersonoilcompany.com |
Peterson Oil Service | 75 Crescent St. | Worcester | MA | 01605 | 508-368-1000 | 508-368-1020 | http://www.petersonoil.com/ |
Petro-Norwalk | 55 Day St. | Norwalk | CT | 06856 | 203-515-9021 | (203) 838-1980 | http://www.petro.com/ |
Phoenix Oil | 4 Mechanic St. | Pawcatuck | CT | 06379 | (860) 599-4249 | (860) 535-0549 | |
Plymouth Oil Service, Inc | PO Box 297, 25 Burr Rd. | Plymouth | CT | 06782 | (860) 283-6651 | (860) 283-0773 | www.plymouthoilct.com |
Polar Energy Inc. | PO Box 828 | Monroe | CT | 06468-0828 | 203-880-9267 | 203-880-9948 | |
Potter's Oil Service, Inc | PO Box 91 | North Windham | CT | 06256 | (860) 423-1684 | (860) 423-9366 | www.pottersoilservice.com |
Power Fuels Heating & Cooling Company | PO Box 579, 17 Brook St. | Bristol | CT | 06010 | (860) 589-4328 | (860) 589-4242 | www.power-fuels.com |
Pramer Fuel, Inc. | 35 Harbor Ave. | Norwalk | CT | 06850 | (203) 866-9954 | (203) 354-7198 | www.pramerfuel.com |
Premier Energy LLC | PO Box 354, 146 Powder Mill Rd. | Collinsville | CT | 06019-3502 | (860) 693-6481 | (860) 693-3958 | www.premierenergyco.net |
Pride Fuel Company | 12 Jansen Court | West Hartford | CT | 06110 | (860) 953-4645 | (860) 953-3104 | http://www.marec-pride.com/Pages/Default.aspx |
Quinnipiac Valley / Gas Works | 201 Church St. | Yalesville | CT | 06492 | (203) 269-2082 | (203) 949-6234 | www.qvegasworkds.com |
Quinoco | 289 Terryville Ave | Bristol | CT | 06010 | (860) 583-4609 | 860-584-2658 | www.quinoco.com |
R.L. Ritter Fuel Inc. | PO Box 112 | Green Farms | CT | 06838 | 203-254-0070 | 203-227-7361 | |
Red Door Oil | PO Box 341, 1 Michael Rd. | Simsbury | CT | 06070 | 860-243-1960 | | http://www.reddooroil.com/ |
Reliable Oil and Heat Co. | PO Box 2128, 351 Courtland Ave. | Stamford | CT | 06906 | (203) 324-2141 | (203) 324-5930 | www.reliableoilandheat.com |
Reliable Oil, LLC | PO Box 803 | Colchester | CT | 06415 | (860) 537-1004 | (860) 537-3199 | www.reliableoilct.com |
RFI Oil Company, LLC | PO Box 125 | Watertown | CT | 06795 | 860-274-3003 | | http://www.rfioil.com/ |
Richard T. Layton Co., Ltd. | PO Box 395, 19 Danbury Rd. | New Milford | CT | 06776 | (860) 354-4888 | (860) 354-3178 | www.laytonco.com |
Rich's Oil Service | 12 Moody Rd. | Enfield | CT | 06082 | (860) 763-2015 | (860) 763-0511 | www.richs-oil.com |
River Valley Oil Service | PO Box 866 | Middletown | CT | 06457 | 860-342-5670 | 860-342-5247 | www.rivervalleyos.com |
Rivercliff Fuel, Inc. | 67 Berwyn St. | Milford | CT | 06461-4013 | (203) 877-9101 | (203) 876-5038 | www.riverclifffuel.com |
Roman Oil Company | 31 Bee St. | Meriden | CT | 06450 | (203) 235-3371 | (203) 235-7895 | www.romanoil.com |
Rowayton Fuel & Oil Co. | PO Box 264 | Norwalk | CT | 06853 | (203) 866-9616 | (203) 866-0843 | http://www.rowaytonfuel.com/ |
Ryan Oil Co., Inc. | 11 B Rossotto Dr. | Hamden | CT | 06514 | 203-248-6984 | 203-248-3991 | www.ryanoilcompanyinc.com |
S & S Oil Co., Inc | 99 Ashworth St. | Manchester | CT | 06040-5516 | (860) 646-1938 | 860-645-6502 | http://www.ssoilpropane.com/ |
Santa Energy Corporation | 154 Admiral St. | Bridgeport | CT | 06605 | (203) 367-3661 | (203) 362-3348 | www.santaenergy.com |
Servco Oil Inc. | PO Box 730 | Wilton | CT | 06897 | (203) 762-7994 | (203) 834-9507 | www.servcooil.com |
Shelton Oil & Heating LLC | 430 Waverly Rd. | Shelton | CT | 06484 | (203) 929-6001 | (203) 225-0747 | |
Sippin Energy Products | 234 Main St. | Monroe | CT | 06468-0220 | (203) 261-3668 | (203) 268-0769 | www.sippin.com |
Smith Oil Company | 55 Bethany Rd. | Beacon Falls | CT | 06403 | (203) 729-6716 | 203-729-4880 | |
So. New England Ice & Oil | 101 Pope Park Highway | Hartford | CT | 06106 | (860) 951-5281 | (860) 761-0023 | |
Somers Oil Service, Inc. | PO Box 486 | Somers | CT | 06071 | (860) 749-4490 | (860) 763-1910 | http://www.somersoil.com/ |
Sound Energy Corp. | PO Box 1232 | Darien | CT | 06820 | (203) 655-2539 | (203) 655-1258 | http://www.soundenergycorp.com/ |
South Britain Oil Co. | PO Box 196, 1432 Old Waterbury Rd. | South Britain | CT | 06487 | 203-264-3707 | 203-262-8230 | http://www.southbritainoil.com/ |
Spring Brook Ice & Fuel Service | 19 Woodland St. | New Britain | CT | 06051 | (860) 225-6491 | (860) 827-8898 | www.springbrookiceandfuel.com |
Springer Oil, Ltd | 106 Granby St | Bloomfield | CT | 06002 | (860) 726-1055 | (860) 726-1056 | |
Standard Oil of Connecticut, Inc. | PO Box 9701 | Stratford | CT | 06615-0882 | (203) 334-5532 Ext. 0 | (203) 333-3358 | www.standardoil.com |
Stanley Oil Co., Inc. | 223 Roger St. | Hartford | CT | 06106 | (860) 956-4457 | (860) 956-0107 | |
State Line Oil | 514 Salmon Brook St. | Granby | CT | 06035 | (860) 653-7241 | (860) 653-0769 | https://www.statelineoil.net/ |
Stielau Oil Company, Inc. | 160 Hunting Hill Ave. | Middletown | CT | 06457 | (860) 347-1497 | (860) 347-5495 | www.stielauoil.com |
Suburban Oil Co., LLC | 1411 Middletown Ave. | Northford | CT | 06472 | (203) 484-9897 | (203) 484-2579 | http://www.suburbanoil.com/index.php |
Superior Fuel Inc. | 240 RailRd. Hill St. | Waterbury | CT | 06708 | 203-755-7400 | 203-596-1295 | www.superiorfuelinc.com |
Superior Plus Energy Services, Inc. | 22 Rowley St. | Winsted | CT | 06098 | 860-379-3322 x128 | | www.superiorplusenergy.com |
Swanson Fuel, Inc. | 1485 Monroe Turnpike | Monroe | CT | 06468 | (203) 459-4500 | | www.swansonfuel.com |
T & S Oil Company | PO Box 878 | Moosup | CT | 06354 | (860) 564-5091 | (860) 564-5472 | |
Tamaro Oil Corp. | PO Box 1239 | Orange | CT | 06477 | 203-795-5834 | 203-799-8108 | http://www.tamarooil.com/ |
Taylor Energy | PO Box 348 | Broad Brook | CT | 06016 | (860) 623-3308 | (860) 623-1356 | www.taylorenergyct.com |
Teddy's Oil & Energy LLC | 362 East Center St. | Manchester | CT | 06040 | 860-647-0462 | 860-643-0811 | www.teddys-oil.com |
Thomaston Oil Company | 401 McMahon Dr 2 | Thomaston | CT | 06787-1812 | 860-283-4878 | 860-283-2240 | www.thomastonoil.com |
Thurston Energy, Inc. | 410 Rubber Ave. | Naugatuck | CT | 06770 | (203) 729-5274 | (203) 723-0338 | www.thurstonoil.com |
Tower Energy, LLC | PO Box 1576 | Farmington | CT | 06034 | (860) 677-7347 | (860) 793-1178 | www.myhomeoil.com |
Town and Country Discount Oil, LLC | 7 Preston City Rd. | Voluntown | CT | 06384 | 860-376-6008 | 860-376-9990 | http://www.townandcountrydiscountoilllc.com/ |
Town Oil Company, Inc. | 786 Silas Deane Highway | Wethersfield | CT | 06109 | (860) 529-6813 | (860) 563-3402 | www.townoilcompany.com |
Tracey Energy Services, LLC | 325 Howard Ave. | New Haven | CT | 06519 | (203) 777-5747 | (203) 777-5749 | www.traceyenergy.com |
Trinks Brothers Oil | 86 Sanrico Dr. | Manchester | CT | 06042-2225 | (860) 648-4400 | (860) 648-1270 | www.trinksbrothers.com |
Troiano Oil Co. | 777 Enfield St. | Enfield | CT | 06082 | (860) 745-0321 | (860) 741-3737 | www.troianooil.com |
Tuxis Ohr's Fuel Inc. | 80 Britannia St. | Meriden | CT | 06450 | 203-639-3513 | 203-639-3515 | www.tuxisohrs.com |
Uncasville Oil | 1295 Rt. 32 | Uncasville | CT | 06382 | 860-848-2647 | 860-848-4489 | http://www.uncasvilleoil.com/ |
Viking Fuel Oil Co., Inc. | 10 Crossroads Plaza | West Hartford | CT | 06117 | 860-233-6225 | 860-233-6260 | www.vikingfuel.com |
Wesson Energy, Inc. | PO Box 2127 | Waterbury | CT | 06722 | (203) 756-7041 | (203) 754-6664 | www.wessonenergy.com |
West Side Oil Company | 27 Babbs Rd. | West Suffield | CT | 06093 | (860) 668-4322 | (860) 668-1557 | www.westsideoil.com |
Westmore Fuel Co., Inc. | 86 North Water St. | Greenwich | CT | 06830 | (203) 531-5656 | (203) 531-5783 | www.westmorefuel.com |
Wilcox Energy, Inc. | PO Box 687 | Westbrook | CT | 06498 | (860) 399-6218 | (860) 399-7079 | www.wilcoxfuel.com |
Williams Oil Company, Inc | PO Box 901 | Uncasville | CT | 06382 | (860) 848-4121 | (860) 848-5586 | www.williamsoilco.com |
Wilson Oil Company | 409 New State Rd | Manchester | CT | 06042 | (860) 645-8393 | (860) 645-7868 | www.wilsonoil.net |
Winsted Oil Company | PO Box 23 | Winsted | CT | 06098 | (860) 496-6161 | (860) 482-1793 | |
Wyman Energy Services, Inc. | PO Box 2407 | Manchester | CT | 06045-2407 | (860) 643-2453 | (860) 643-0200 | www.wymanenergy.com |